& Khairi
12 MARCH 2022
Tiara Melaka Golf
& Country Club
Music ♫

Walimatul Urus

Assalammualaikum W.B.T.
May peace be with you
With much gratitude and respect
Dr. Hanafiah Binti Hasin
cordially invite
Ybhg. Prof./Datuk/Datin/Prof. Madya/Dr.
Tuan/ Puan/ Encik/ Cik
to the Wedding of my daughter
Nur Ashikin Binti Saberi
Mohd Khairi Bin Sulaiman
12th March 2022
9 Sya’aban 1443H
Adam Crystal BALLROOM
Tiara Melaka Golf & Country Club
Jalan Gapam
75460 Bukit Katil, Melaka
Banquet / Jamuan Makan
11.00 am – 4.00 pm
Ketibaan Pasangan Pengantin
Arrival of Bride & Groom
1.45 pm
Session 1 : 11.00am – 1.30pm
Session 2 : 1.30pm – 4.00pm
Panduan SOP Majlis
- Hanya tetamu yang telah melengkapkan vaksinasi Covid-19 dibenarkan masuk ke Dewan.
- Sila patuhi segala S.O.P dan memakai pelitup muka (mask) sebelum masuk ke perkarangan majlis.
- Tetamu tidak disarankan bersalaman secara saling bersentuhan tangan, sebaliknya menggunakan pendekatan tanda hormat yang lain.
- Tetamu yang mengalami simptom COVID-19 atau berhubung rapat dengan pesakit COVID-19 TIDAK DIBENARKAN hadir ke majlis.
- Mematuhi penjarakan fizikal mengikut piawaian yang telah ditetapkan kerajaan (1 meter).
- Sila patuhi waktu kehadiran yang telah ditetapkan bagi melancarkan urusan majlis.
Kerjasama daripada anda semua amatlah kami hargai. Terima kasih.
event sop guide
- Only guests with COMPLETE 2 DOSE COVID-19 VACCINATION are allowed to enter the Ceremony
- Guests with Covid-19 symptoms or close contact with Covid-19 patients are NOT ALLOWED to attend the event.
- Please show the vaccine status via My Sejahtera apps before enter the Ceremony.
- Guests will be asked to make a temperature screening at the entrance. Only asymptomatic guests are allowed in.
- Guests are required to wear a face mask and follow the latest Covid-19 S.O.P issued by MKN.
- Comply with government physical distance (1 meter).
- Guests are not advised to shake hands with each other, instead use other respectful approach.
- Please adhere to the attendance time that has been set for the event.
- Guests are also encouraged to take a Covid-19 self-test to ensure the safety and health of all.The cooperation from all is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Waze Event Location
Google Maps
Location Map
Oh Snap! Please tag us in your snap…

To Love And Be Loved

May Allah bless for you (your spouse), and bless you, and may He unite both of you in goodness.
“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for people who give thought.”
(Qur’an: Chapter 30, Verse 21)
Ar-Rum : 21